Sunday, February 12, 2023

Switch Funday - Splatoon 3 - February's Chocolate Splatfest - An Hour Of Tricolor!

Welcome to Switch Funday.
As it's a Splatfest weekend, today i wanted to focus on the Sunday exclusive game mode called Tricolor. In previous Splatfests, this game mode hasn't worked as well as i would like. at most i'd get into 2 or 3 games and often there would be a disconnection causing the games to end. The game had been updated so i went in hoping for better, but i was expecting things to stay the same.

But this whole video is an hour of just Tricolor games! there were no disconnections either, unlike yesterday where we had 3 i think. this video is a first for myself, i've never experienced a Tricolor mode like it. i'm very happy that Nintendo finally fixed it, but also disappointed that it took them soo long to fix the Tricolor mode.

As for the hour, i think my team managed to win a couple of times. but for the most part it's an hour of White and Dark Chocolate teams kicking my team's butt.

It'd be great to hear if the mode was fixed for other players in other countries so let me know in the comments.

Online Saturday - Splatoon 3 - February's Chocolate Splatfest - A Poor Hour For Milk Chocolate

Welcome to Online Saturday.
The Splatfest for February is a three way fight between Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, and White Chocolate. At the start of the video you see that White Chocolate has the early lead from the sneak peak, and throughout you'll see that some of the strongest teams i come up agianst are fighting for White Chocolate.

Throughout the hour, the level of competition is very high. i have a couple of huge losses, but also get a big win. What was a little strange, as you'll see, were the few disonnection issues. for a while know, whilst playing the normal online modes, i haven't had an issue with online play. but today there were some disonnections and a game ended early, too. it was easy to notice that the wait for a game was longer than normal, going from 10-30 seconds to sometimes over a couple of minutes.

But i had fun. even tho it was harder and i had fewer wins, Splatoon 3's online multiplayer continues to be enjoyable and my go to online shooter. you can watch the videos for other games and just hear in my voice that my excitment doesn't waver.