Monday, February 24, 2025

Cloud Monday - Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - Part 2 - It Has Bugs And Issues, But I Recommend It

This week's new Cloud Monday video is part 2 of playing Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings on PS4 via the PlayStation Plus Cloud Streaming Service to my Japanese launch model PlayStation 4.

Across both parts, it's become clear that Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings isn't the best game ever made. I'm not sure whether this is unique to this emulated version of the game or if the original also has it's own problems. but these aren't game breaking bugs and are minor frustrations at most. but they are noticeable.

There's also no denying that the game design is well suited for playing the game from the cloud. But, as we've also seen across both parts, there are moments when it doesn't work quite as well. Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings plays like a movie and there are often cinematic moments. but when there are moments of stream tearing, it does kinda take us out of these cinematic moments. it's because of this, i would also recommend downloading the game to try and preserve the cinematic mood.

personally, i'm going to continue playing Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings from the cloud. i'm satisfied with the performance of it being streamed from the cloud. i have enjoyed my time playing it and i genuinely want to see where the story goes. it's not the best but that doesn't stop my enjoyment of it.

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