Sunday, September 25, 2022

Switch Funday - Splatoon 3 - September's Splatfest Tri-Color Turf War

Today is the return of Splatoon 3 to Nintendo Switch Funday.

In today's video, i wanted to focus on the exclusive Tri-Color Turf War game mode that was only available today, Sunday 25th September. However, as you'll see in the video, even tho i played for over an hour i never actually got matched into a Tri-Color Turf War game. All the games in this video were the regular Turf War game mode.

Feel free to leave a comment if you were able to get into a Tri-Color Turf War match or if you had simular issues.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Online Saturday - Splatoon 3 - An Hour of September's Splatfest

I'm back playing Splatoon 3. This weekend was the game's first Splatfest since the game came out. before the game was released, Nintendo ran a free Splatfest where the question was, rock paper scissors. This Splatfest has a new question, "What would you bring to a deserted island?" Your choices to vote from are Gear, Grub, or Fun. Watch the video and see what i chose as well as come poor connectivity and long matchmaking times, something which wasn't the case with previous online multiplayer videos from Splatoon 3.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Mobile Friday - Alchemy Stars - The First Hour

On this Mobile Friday, I'll be playing Alchemy Stars on iPhone 11 Pro. I'll be playing from the first start of the app and for about an hour. This is another game where i didn't really know anything about it going in. Since playing it, I've learned that the game is rather big and has a big following on social media. So if you're interested in it after watching me play, i'd recommend having a look at the community surrounding the game.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Backlog Conquering - Deliver us the Moon - The First Hour

In yesterday's video, i finished Gley Lancer and teased that the next video would also have a space theme. Well the next game in the Backlog Conquering series is Deliver us the Moon on PS4 by Wired Productions.

In this video, i play through the first hour and have a great time. i'm excited to play again for next week's videos as the story is very interesting. watch the video and let me know what you think, too!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Backlog Conquering - Gley Lancer - The Final Video!

This is the final video in the Gley Lancer series. watch as i finish the game and then go after it's platinum trophy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Puzzle and Dragons Tuesday - Puzzle and Dragons: Nintendo Switch Edition - Highren Cup - Achievement Run

Welcome to Puzzle and Dragons Tuesday. This week i try to get all the achievements in the Highren Cup. I didn't find this cup as difficult as last weeks, but it took longer than i expected to complete it because of my opponents. There were some truly amazing high scores in this video and even in my best games i'd get stuck 4th or lower. Sit back, watch it all or leave it on in the background as i do my best to get all the achievements. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Cloud Monday - White Knight Chronicles Part 2

Once again, and i imagine this'll be the case going forward, it wasn't straight forward getting the game to load. Simply put, i was unable to launch the game because of an unexpected error. I then restored licenses. This actually attempted to load the game but timed out. i then restarted my PS4 and then the game worked. This video starts from that point. 

But that wasn't the only issue i had. White Knight Chronicles is a game that had a robust online component, I didn't think it was still online but as it was so heavily marketed on the game page i tried it out. The game gets stuck. The PS3 tries to check for an update, but is unable to find one. However, there's no way out of this menu. it's over top of the game's own checks. the game knows it's offline and would let you progress. it's the PS3 that's stopping. and so it stopped me and i called an end to Part 2.

Overall, streaming the game went fine. over two videos, i only came across 1 thing that could've been because of streaming, and that was a simple grey blob that appeared for a frame or two. the game's slow pace and bright colors mean that it plays well. If you were to ask me if i thought the game was good, i'd honestly say i'm probably still a little too early in to score it. but i think it's worth a go if you have the time free. It took 2 videos to get to the opening cut scene and past day 1.