“XBLA was a trailblazer last
generation, so it’s sad to see Microsoft not announcing dedicated
support for independent developers on the Xbox One.” said Managing
Director Jason Perkins, who started his own game development career
as an independent developer on the Commodore 64.
Jason added, “Refusing to concentrate on easier submissions and discoverability leaves the way clear for Sony to capture the most innovative market in gaming right now.”
Jason added, “Refusing to concentrate on easier submissions and discoverability leaves the way clear for Sony to capture the most innovative market in gaming right now.”
Jason Perkins said: “Sony’s show of
support for developers, including showing independent releases not
only front and centre on their storefront but also during the
PlayStation 4 reveal is creating a more open, co-operative market for
independent games to enter the living room on a level playing field.”
Curve Studios have revealed Thomas Was Alone has been downloaded over 200,000 times on PS3 and PS Vita and they are currently working on Jasper Bryne's Lone Survivor for PS3 and PS Vita.
Press Release