Tuesday, June 2, 2009

EA - The Sims 3 Trailer Showing ll Possible Personalitys

Ea have released a new trailer for the Sims 3 showing the different personlities your Sims could have.

Sega - Alpha Protocol Screens

Sega have released some screens for Alpha Protocol on the 360, PC, and PS3.

Sega - Aliens VS Predator Screens

Sega have released screens for Aliens VS Predator on the 360, PS3, and PC.

Nintendo E3 Press Conference Blogged Live!

Majesco - A Boy And His Blob E3 Pictures and Trailer

Majesco have released screens and a Video for it's game A Boy And His Blob, a remake for the Wii of the Old Nintendo Game.

Xbox 360 - Shadow Complex Screens

Microsoft have released screens of their exclusive XBLA shooter from Epic called Shadow Complex.

Xbox 360 - Joy Ride Screens

Microsoft have released screens for Joy Ride,a game they highlighted during Their E3 conference. the game will be free for Gold subscribers and will feature your Avatars.