Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Xbox 360 - Splosion Man Screens

Microsoft have released screens for Splosion Man

Xbox 360 - Trials Screens

Microsoft has released screens for their game Trials.

Ubisoft E3 Press conference as it was twittered

  • Ubisoft press conference is now being twittered

  • presenter is a bit of a comedian...this can only be good or bad overall

  • just chatting at the mo. nothing mentioned

  • president of the compnay now going to speak

  • ubisoft is interested in the convergence of tv, movies, books and games and wants to connect them. this is a shift at ubisoft

  • hey have spent time working on tools to help bring this together, like UPlay where consumers can create interactive/non interactive content

  • this will be put into Assassins creed, splinter cell and avatar. with uplay people can help you, you can buy health stuff and more

  • they have linked together with Fox and Lightstorm entertainment with teams working together , an example of bringing together entertainment

  • they will work with peter jackson soon and with steven speilberg on his Tin Tin movie

  • they are talking about gaming imputs, the wii motion plus, and red steel, but also showing interest in the 360s sensor bar

  • say that these sort of gaming imputs push the industry into the mass market

  • Avatar is using ground breaking technology, apparently, and will look spectacular

  • they are using 3d models from games and putting them into hd movies. there will be hd short movies out later in year where assassins creed2

  • models were used as 3d backgounds

  • this move into bringing entertainment together sounds like a attempt to diversify the company away from just games, and perhaps cut costs

  • talking about avatar, james cameron is talking. says it was a old idea, one that he had to shelve once before. but LOTR made him start it

  • he's talking about the back story of the movie/game. the planet is a moon round a gas giant. nothing shown of game yet

  • i won't talk about the back story/history of the movie...very possible spoilers for it...i'll wait till someting game relavent happens

  • ok once more, december 18th release date. taken 4 years soo far (titanic was only 2 years)

  • ah, now he's mentioned game. they spent time looking for the right developer/publisher. Ubisoft won

  • he doesn't want avatar game to suck, won't let it. game does not have to follow movie, but exist in same world

  • spent 2 years making the game. some stuff from the game has now appeared in the movie

  • you get to play as humans and naavi characters. game will be in 3D!

  • steroscopic 3d...aims to be the first major 3d game when it's released

  • it will be out before the movie, it has no spoilers for the movie

  • Red Steel2 trailer. swordsman fighting off bullets and such in a wild west kinda setting. .

  • good looking. graphics not quite cel shaded. simular to prince of persia from last year. doesn't look like many other wii games.

  • they are going to play it on stage. not old wild west....motorcycle drives through.

  • the character is being dragged along by the bike through a few cacti

  • the practice dummy, something they're showing the movements on, is all done from a First person view.

  • enimies don't spill blood. a coin like thing seems to come out of them instead

  • the heavy has been shown...it has a massive club. it's an example of a more powerful boss. expect to take on more than one nearer the end

  • it's running at 60fps. taking realism and graphic novel style look to the game. really want to keep the motion fluid

  • the game will be bundled with the Wii motion plus

  • now onto sports. shawn wright snow boarding shown for the wii

  • not much is shown, more focus on shawn and mates having fun on a roof. there is a half pipe shown with boarders in it

  • academy of champions next up. here comes Pele

  • lol, trailer does not work when presenter prompts for it.

  • skips to a game pic of pele instead of trailer

  • painful....nothing happening...trying to fill void whilst someone fixes things and runs the trailer

  • saved by pele...he's having a chat (through the interpretot) about the game and his involvement

  • bless pele...still going...still no trailer

  • and the trailer, lol. fairly cartoony styled. a bit harry potter ish. (in more than one way) no gameplay yet

  • splinter cell trailer from 360 conference now

  • going to do a live demo. he's free from previous constraints...therefore more brutal. new features talked about.

  • destructible environments, can be used to beat information from people. story pieces projected onto walls near you so you know what to do

  • game starts off low tech. take a piece of broken mirror to look under doors. seemless loading. mark and spot, take down enimies quickly

  • in the shadows, game looks nearly black and white...apart from enemies and things you can use against them. last know position has outline

  • of your body where the enemies last spotted you before you went out of sight

  • alot of it looked awfully familiar to what was shown at the 360 conference. crowd loved it still.

  • Rouse now, showing old trailer for the game

  • still looks interesting and new. Ruse (sorry for spelling).

  • now casual games. Imagine sold more games than all hardcore games put together. second biggest brand after pokemon on the DS

  • taking causal forwards. "tween games 2.0." imagine a magazine, online hub, new imagine games. petz can work with other games and players

  • stylelabs use dsi to take picture and modify. style jewellry uploads you designe's to a website where you can buy the items

  • make the point that casuals deserve great experiences like hardcore gamers and ubisoft meets them

  • they are going to innovate the fitness genre (took mick out of EA fit). they are going to use cameras in their games.

  • you will be put in the game, body shape examined, you move in game and outside. get coached to help you. camera keeps eye on you

  • more digs are Wii fit stuff. by just using the camera, there's no motes, boards to have, to get in the way. your shape for the Wii

  • game comes with camera, not a wii camera announcement. set for fall release

  • ubisoft is working with nintendo to create a camera that works with the Wii. more games could come and use it

  • rabbids go home now...stage is being invaded by rabbids, lol then they've gone

  • rabbids gonna get rubbish, pile it high....gotta reach the moon. gonna use the shopping cart to help them do it

  • showing a old trailer for the game now...the one with obama in his pants

  • live demo time a rabbid inside a wiimote being abused by moving the wiimote around and pressing buttons. unlock ways to hurt rabbid in game

  • dogs will try to attack you. smack them and use them for your pile. verminators will randomly attack you...easy to defeat tho.

  • showing another mini game...rabbids take a airplane engine...(too soon?) from a moving plane.

  • eenage mutant ninja turtles now. tmnt smash up being shown (super smash brothers but with tmnt

  • coming out this fall

  • No more heroes 2 being published by ubisoft. working on product with lumines creator..code name Eden

  • now Assassins Creed 2. they hope to sell more than the first (which sold 8million copies lol) teh game will be out november 17th

  • starts in 1486 Venice, busy street/canal scene, someone gets their throat slit, Ezio finishes of the rest of them..makes his escape by roof

  • impressive graphics....and a gun is used also.

Xbox 360 - Halo ODST Screens

Microsfot showed Of Halo ODST at thier press conference.
now they have released tons of screenshots for it.

APB pictures

Loads of new screen rleased from APB

Xbox 360 - Crackdown 2 Video

Crackdown 2 was only really shown as a trailer, so no screens. but here is the trailer for it.

Xbox 360 - Instant on Movies and Party watching Sky Anytime and Movies

During Microsofts E3 press conference they showed of movies starting instantly and your friends watching the same movie. below are screenshots of this and B Roll video of it happening as well as Sky Anytime being demoed.