Showing posts with label Poison Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poison Control. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 12 – Belle's Hell 22

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

With Part 12 is a little different as it's the first video where i only managed to complete 1 Bell's Hell. the hell in this video was much much longer than i expected but it did play into the story of the hell so it was still interesting in that respect. There was a nice surprise for finishing this hell but there also seemed more tension between us and the White duo so i wonder if that'll come to something soon.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 11 – Belle's Hells 20 And 21

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

With Part 10 being as shocking as it was facing off against the Black Poisonette, i wasn't surprised that Part 11 was a little more back to normal. there wasn't any story stuff for our characters, but there were some interesting stories in the Hells we visited. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 10 – Black Poisonette And The 4th Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

In Part 9 we learned more about the Black Poisonette and it was very weird. it looked like we would have to defend ourselves but thankfully the White Poisonette team arrived and we were fine. But the situation wasn't over and in this part it took a turn for the worse and things got even weirder. we did get some new story about the Black Poisonette and about ourselves, but it didn't make things clearer.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 9 – Finishing The Third Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Part 8 was unique in that it was the first part that didn't add to the story, we only did a couple of Belle's Hells. Going into this Part, i expected there to be story but i was surprised that we got some back story for the Black Poisonette. It makes me wonder if it'll become an enemy we have to deal with, but i also wonder if it's partner got to heaven or had a far worse fate.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 8 – Thirteenth and Fourteenth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

We didn't get much story in this week's video, but the hells we visited were somewhat interesting. the first one had the saddest, and most confusing, story so far whilst the second saw us facing off against enemies wearing dessert themed hats or back packs, similar to how the flower themed enemies were dressed during the hay fever hell.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 7 – Eleventh and Twelfth "Belles' Hells"

*There's no commentary from me, my audio software crashed 3 times and i couldn't save it.

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

The two Belle's Hells i did in this video went fairly quickly and felt mostly fine difficulty wise. what was interesting were the little bits of story that helped flesh out how hell works but also that we didn't deal with the "big bad" when going to the second circle of hell.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 6 – Ninth and Tenth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

we're six videos in and i'm starting to predict when things are going to happen, like i knew there would be a story update in this video and it was a very interesting update. But it's not been an issue as Poison Control has, so far, been able to break the monotony by changing things slightly or by revealing more of the story. one gameplay change came in the 10th Belle's Hell where not only did we have the regular enemies wearing a costume, there were other cardboard cut out enemies to deal with. in the previous video there was another change where money was the goal. Poison Control has done great in changing things up slightly to feel fresh and exciting whilst also dishing out at the right times updates to it's story.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 5 – Seventh and Eighth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Now the story is continuing, after being stuck in Part 3 and getting unstuck in Part 4, i managed to do 2  Belle's Hells. the first one was simple and similar to other one's i've done. but the second one had a bit more of an interesting design and requirement to finish so it was a pleasant surprise. 

Today's video ends at the shop and a discussion had there gave my character some answers but left more for my companion. the way the story is being teased out at a decent pace is really keeping me engaged with it so i look forward to the next video.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 4 – Once More Into The Second Circle of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

In Part 3, i got stuck in the first major "Dungeon" of the Second Circle of Hell. i tried twice and was defeated twice, right at the end of the Dungeon. so going into this part i thought that would be my first goal. Unfortunately, i seemed to have forgotten to manually save after recording Part 3 so when i started the game for this recording, i realized that i had to basically re-do Part 3 all over again. 

Thankfully i was able to defeat the dungeon, which had previously bested me, on my first attempt. This lead the the story twist that i didn't see coming. previously, our goal had been to collect stickers. we get stickers by solving personal hells. with 5 of them, we're able to get to heaven. well, by finishing the dungeon today i got all 5 and headed off to the shop to redeem them. that's when it's revealed that 5 stickers are needed to get 1 Gold Sticker, and it's 5 Gold Stickers that are needed to get to heaven. so our goal, and the amount of videos in this series for this game, as now grown. 

I am still enjoying the story and the gameplay is mostly fine. the camera tends to fight me now and then and sometimes the lock-on seems to be aiming at ghosts or just off the enemy. thankfully the story is keeping me going so i am looking forward to the next couple of videos at least to see where things are headed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 3 – Entering The Second Circle Of Hell

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Things got more difficult in Part 3. i was able to get into the second circle of hell, but i failed to beat the first dungeon there twice. you can see that in each attempt i get to what seems to be the final fight, but i was unable to successfully clear away the poison whilst defending myself from the never ending swarm of enemies. 

It's a shame as this video starts with a new character, some new questions being asked, and there was a nice boss fight. i  wanted to beat this dungeon to see what would happen, would this have been enough to get us to heaven.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 2 – The Third and Fourth "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Part 2 continues on with the story. we previously did the first two Belles' Hells and they weren't too difficult, nor were the stories behind them that bad. the two I did today, they were much harder. not just in difficulty of playing them but also the stories behind them. There will be a Part 3 as i expect there to be more twists and turns in the story as we progress further deeper into hell.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Backlog Conquering - Poison Control On PS4 - Part 1 - The First Two "Belles' Hells"

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

Poison Control is a surprise pick for a series that focuses on Backlogs. it came out in 2021 so it's one of the more recent games i've bought. But the thing is i don't remember buying it, so i don't know why i have it. it's not a PlayStation Plus game so my Backlog Conquering series is the perfect place to try it as whilst it's not an old game, it's still in the backlog.