Showing posts with label Final Fantasy I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Final Fantasy I. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 10 - Getting The Airship And Citadel Of Trials

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

There were to big things that happened in this part. the first was getting the Airship. whilst it looked cool on screen, i can't help but think that this scene could've had an fmv sequence. the music whilst in the airship is nice. once we had it, the guide pointed us in the direction of the Citadel of Trials. but i don't know why and i feel that it's either the guide of the game, or both, at fault for the lack of why we're going where we're going. for example, it's the game fault if there's no one telling us to go there or the games not pointing us there. it's the guide's fault if the guide is not getting us to talk to the people who would be telling us where to go. so whilst i'm following the guide, i'm not sure about the why we're going where it's telling us.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 9 - Completing The Cavern of Ice

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from Game FAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

In Part 8 my party was defeated. i didn't save, i didn't bring enough items, and it caught me out. so for this part, i learned the lessons and made it through the Cavern of Ice. some things were a little different this time round as i managed to remember a couple of places in the cavern so navigating it seemed to go smoother. i also don't remember picking up the Flame Sword in Part 8 and getting it here did seem to give my team a bit of a boost.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 8 - The Party Was Defeated!

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

It finally happened, in Part 8 the game managed to beat me. It started fine as i went back to town and stocked up on important goods. but it quickly turned out i didn't have enough. throughout my time in the Cavern of Ice, we were being hit hard and all characters were taking a lot of damage. for the most part we were managing ok, but then we had a fight where the enemy used ice magic repeatedly and defeated my team. in hindsight, perhaps i should've continued my assault and not worried about fleeing or my downed team mates. So i'll try again in Part 9!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 7 - Mt. Gulg And The Fire Crystal

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

Part 7 shows my journey into Mt. Gulg down to the Fire Crystal. there were a couple of moments early on where i was being hit hard and nearly lost Duncan again. near the end of my time in Mt. Gulg there was a dragon enemy that i encountered only once but in that encounter it nearly wiped my team in just one attack! i wasn't expecting to come across the boss fight when i did and i was expecting it to be more difficult than it was. i didn't panic and for both crystal boss fights i've had a clear idea what i'm going to do and why and it seems that is working. i ended this video having finished Mt. Gulg and in the next part i'll head to town and stock up before heading off to the next crystal.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 6 - Getting The Earth Crystal

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the #PlayStationPortable version of #FinalFantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on #UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from #GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

Part 6 started with some shopping. after my first time going into The Cavern of Earth drained my supplies, i knew i had to go and get more as we'd be going down further into the dungeon. once i was fully stocked up, we went into The Cavern of Earth and came across the Earth Crystal's boss surprisingly fast. one of the problems with Part 5 is just how many battles it took to get anywhere. but here we got kinda lucky. the boss wasn't too difficult either. Defeating the boss played a short cutscene of a statue breaking apart, but that's not where i went next.

The guide i'm using wants me to go after the Fire Crystal next. i'm a little unsure if i've missed out on some sort of story beat or if it doesn't really matter. another example of this is at the start of the video when i went shopping. it was easy to go back to Cornelia but whilst there, i found a shadowy figure and i have no idea what that's about.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 5 - My First Visit To The Cavern Of Earth

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

Part 5 ended up being a little frustrating. getting to The Cavern Of Earth actually went easier than expected. it's what happened in their that ended up making this part fairly frustrating. there were soo many random battles. there were times when i could only move a step before facing off against enemies. Sure, i got money and experience but it slowed things right down. it took nearly 30 minutes to get to the boss, then i found out i couldn't make any more progress and had to get myself out of The Cavern Of Earth. Then things got frustrating once more as i was unable to make my way out for another 15 minutes or so.

Being in The Cavern Of Earth had used up all of my potions, and then i got back to Melmond only to find there was no general store. i have to go back into The Cavern Of Earth to try and go even deeper, but i'll have to go back to a city from earlier in my playthrough so i can stock up on essential supplies. So that's what'll happen in the next part.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 4 - My Journey To Melmond

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

At the end of Part 3 i mentioned how i didn't know where i needed to go after i went back to the Marsh Cave so i was lucky to have the guide to point me in the right direction. After the cave we headed back to locations from the start of the game and once we arrived i kinda started to remember that there were locked rooms previously.

So with all the back tracking done, i was once again lost on where to go. i didn't remember anyone in the story telling us where to go or even giving a hint. the guide i'm using is more general so i knew the rough direction on where to go, but as it doesn't have a map it still took some wandering around to get there. But once there the map opened up again and i thought best to head to the first town, use their inn, talk to the locals, and try and buy some stuff. Now we're in the town, by talking to people it seems like there's a crystal near by and that there's vampires!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 3 - A Crown, An Eye, And A Tonic

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

I decided to edit Part 3 like i would normally in this series, and like how Part 1 was edited, so that you get to see the whole journey from A to B. I think i'll keep doing this going forward.

Part 3 was interesting as we managed to finish the 3 main quests we were doing. After finding the Marsh i explored it's 3 floors and found some nice items and beat the boss of the Marsh. We got a crown. so net i had to give that crown to the king from Part 2, and once that was settled we got an eye. In Motoya's Cave, the witch needed her eye back so we set off back there and she gave us a special tonic. i headed back to the elf town and gave the tonic to their prince. feeling better, we obtained a special key and set off to open rooms that had been previously locked. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 2 - Getting To The Western Keep

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it. The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. 

For Part 2 i wanted to try a different approach. normally, i show everything i do in a playthrough. but with the large number of random battles in Final Fantasy, i wanted to try cutting them out and only showing story progress. so whilst my recording was around 1 hour 20 minutes, with most of the random battles cut out it's less than 50 minutes! Let me know in the comments if this is a welcome change or if you'd prefer i stick to how it used to be. i may put up a community post asking for opinions.

Part 2, in terms of story, was also interesting as we got some things to do. We started in Matoya’s Cave and got a quest there. we visited Pravoka and defeated pirates, earning ourself a boat! next i visited Elfheim and we learned about their Prince and that became a quest. and finally we got to The Western Keep and found a King, who gave us our final quest.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Backlog Conquering - Final Fantasy On PSP - Part 1 - Getting To Matoya’s Cave

Welcome to Backlog Conquering. This is a series were i play a game from my backlog that i may or may not have played before. the goal isn't necessarily to finish the game, the goal is to play it. that way, i can have an opinion about it.

The newest game in the Backlog Conquering series is the PlayStation Portable version of Final Fantasy. this is the downloaded version of the game, but it is also available on UMD. I  have played most Final Fantasy games that came out on PlayStation or later but i haven't gone back and played the first 4 games. i have them on PSP so i thought it'd be fun to try out the first Final Fantasy game. this version came out from 2007 and it kept a lot from previous versions. for example, it's mostly built upon the GBA version but updated with the PSOne cinematics, changed to widescreen, and with improved graphics and sounds.

To help with this playthrough i'm proudly using a guide from GameFAQS. here's the link, i'm not following it exactly, but it's useful to have. a great example is how the guide told me about going to the shops at the start of the game before i set off on my mission. i might've spoken with people in the town, but going shopping from the start wouldn't have been my first move.

Not too much happens in this part. i show off the XMB first before starting the game. then there's a cinematic that means nothing right now, and then it came to squad building. this i wasn't prepared for, i'm so used to playing a set team i wasn't quite ready to pick my own. so i took a few minutes to think it over and then the game started.

This Part shows the journey from meeting the king, saving the Princess, and journeying to Matoya's Cave.