Sony's EU Playstation Blog has detailed the comics coming out today on the PSP Digital Comic store. There is a free comic this week, Azure from DC Comics.
* 2000AD Prog #1688 2000AD
* Astonishing Tales (2009) #5 Marvel
* Azure #1 (FREE) DC Comics
* Batman: Year One #4 DC Comics
* Criminal: The Sinners (2008) #3 & #4 Icon
* Devi #8 Liquid Comics
* DMZ #13: Public Works #1 DC Comics
* Donald Duck and the Niece of the Black Corsair Disney
* DoubleDuck #6: Souvenir de Paris Disney
* Fables #15: Storybook Love #2 DC Comics
* Fethry Duck and the Unloseable Challenge Disney
* Gen13 #21 DC Comics
* God of War #2 DC Comics
* Green Lantern: Secret Origin #4 DC Comics
* Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War: Parts 5 & 6 DC Comics
* High Moon #3 DC Comics
* Hope Falls #4 Markosia
* Huey, Duey and Louie and the Day Before The Exams Disney
* Justice League: Generation Lost #5 DC Comics
* Kingdom Come #1 DC Comics
* Marvel Zombies 2 (2007) #2 Marvel
* Planetary/Batman #1 DC Comics
* Ramayan 3392 AD #8 Liquid Comics
* Snakewoman #8 Liquid Comics
* Stormwatch PHD #13 DC Comics
* The Authority #1 DC Comics
* The Invaders (1975) #1-#4 Marvel
* The Night Owls #2 DC Comics
* The Sadhu #8 Liquid Comics
* The Unwritten #2 DC Comics
* Transformers: Lost In Space #3 (UK & Ireland only) Titan Comics
* Wildcats #1 DC Comics
* X-Mickey #15: The Toymaker Disney
From EU Playstation Blog
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