Curve Studios Have Released New Screenshots And Artwork For Explodemon!
Curve Studios have announced that Explodemon! is coming out on the PSN in Q4 2010. Explodemon! is a 2.5D platform action game filled with physics based puzzles spread over 12 levels and 3 distinct planets. You play as Explodemon, a Malfunctioning Guardian robot, who is trying to repel the onslaught of Vortex forces and to restore peace.
Press Release
LONDON, ENGLAND: PlayStation 3 owners! Hide your treasured possessions and cover your pets in bubble wrap, because Explodemon!will be hitting PlayStation Network with a bang this Q4.
Explodemon!is a 2.5D platform action game brought kicking and screaming into the HD era. Influenced by classic Japanese games from the golden era of the SNES, players use Explodemon’s self-destructive nature to combat enemies and fly through the air, all the while solving a huge variety of physics-based puzzles (and, naturally, causing incalculable collateral damage).
When the peaceful planet of Nibia is attacked by the malicious Vortex forces, the fate of the star system is thrust into the one pair of hands it shouldn’t be: the malfunctioning Guardian robot Explodemon. His comic quest to repel the onslaught and restore peace will take him across three distinct planets over twelve levels, with new abilities and gameplay mechanics introduced throughout.
“We’re really excited to finally be able to reveal Explodemon!to the world,” explains design director Jonathan Biddle, from a blast-proof bunker somewhere below the surface of Nibia. “The game is chock full of gameplay nuggets carefully mined from the greatest titles ever to grace our joysticks. Whether you’re experiencing its intense combat, head-scratching puzzles, or classic platforming, you’ll find we’ve combined all of these elements into an addictive and elegantly balanced package.”
Explodemon!is unrelenting, hard-core brain-tickling action for those who grew up playing platformers, as well as those who’ll discover just how awesome they were.
Explodemon!is a 2.5D-styled platform game with a physics-puzzle twist
It’s out Q4 2010
It’s influenced by the classic Japanese games of old
It’s more than a little bit funny, or so our mums said
It’s really rather special and you want to write nice things about it
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Curve Studios is an independent game developer based in London’s super-swish Islington. The company has worked with partners as diverse as Sony, Codemasters, Sumo Digital and a Secret PublisherTM on platforms including Wii, Xbox 360, PSP and PS3. Curve’s first self-published title, Explodemon!, will be released Autumn 2010. For more information, visit
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