For this week's Mobile Friday i tried The New Denpa Men on my iPhone 14 Pro.
I've tried the Switch version of The New Denpa Men and over two videos i found the experience to be somewhat old fashioned and slow but nothing great nor bad about it. It was a port from the 3DS, so this iOS version is a port of a port.
Unfortunately, it sticks far too close to the Nintendo Switch version. the biggest issue how often the screen resolution changes. sometimes it uses the full iPhone screen. other times, there are black bars at the sides making it closer to a Widescreen TV aspect ratio. Another noticeable issue, well maybe not an issue but something that sticks out, is how some of the graphics look really good and maybe even clearer than the Switch version and others looks straight from the 3DS version of the game.
The one big change from the Switch version to this version is how you get Denpa Men. on phones, you'll scan QR Codes and then collect the Denpa that appear. you can hit manner mode and that'll remove the video feed from the camera. But much like most aspects of The New Denpa Men, it's never really explained why this is needed in the first place or even what you should be looking for. i complained with the Switch version that the lack of tutorials and explanations hurt the game because i never felt like i was getting the most of what it had to offer. and again, that whole style has been ported to phones and again for me it just doesn't work.
This port, much like the console port, feels like it's designed for fans of the series whilst offering little as an introduction for new players.
Version 4.0.0 then 4.0.20 Played.