Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sony Have Released A New 5 Minute Game Play Video For Rain And New Screenshots

Sony have released a new 5 minute gameplay video for Rain. this video is taken from the start of the game and shows simply the rain mechanic. for example, your character and other creatures can be seen when it's raining. the video shows that to avoid being seen by them you have to get out of the rain and get out of their line of sight.


Digital Dreams Announce Metrico, A PS Vita Exclusive

Digital Dreams have revealed Metrico, an upcoming exclusive PS Vita game. the game is being developed as part of the Sony Pub Fund. Metrico is a puzzle game that involves infographics. Digital Dreams have released a teaser trailer for the game that shows how infographics and puzzles can work.

Source: EU PlayStation Blog

Blizzard Have Released A PS3 Game Play Video And Lore Video For Diablo III

Blizzard have released 2 game play videos for Diablo III on PS3 and a video about the Lore of Diablo III. the first video shows in-game action of each of the classes as well as some console specific features like radial menus. the second video is a shorter version with a couple of extra game play bits. the final video details the history, the lore of Diablo III.

Lukewarm Media Announce Primal Carnage: Genesis For PlayStation 4

Lukewarm Media have announced Primal Carnage: Genesis for the PlayStation 4. this Unreal Engine 4 game is a mix of open world exploration and first person game. it will have an immersive story driven experience that will see you walking with dinosaurs. Primal Carnage: Genesis is an episodic game that can be changed episode to episode depending on what users want.

SourceEU PlayStation Blog

Zero Punctuation - SimCity

This week a rather bitter Yahtzee tackles the online disaster that was SimCity. moving aside from the games internet issues, is this new SimCity game a step forward and more refined or are there more issues hidden in the game?

DrinkBox Announce Guacamelee! Comes To PS3 And PS Vita On 9th April

DrinkBox have announced Guacamelee! comes out on PS3 and PS Vita across the America's on 9th April. Guacamelee! will support Cross-Buy and will cost $14.99 for this downloadable game with a platinum trophy.

Source: USA PlayStation Blog

Mossmouth Have Announced They Are Bringing Spelunky To The PS3 And PS Vita This Summer

Mossmouth have announced they are bringing Spelunky to both the PS3 and PS Vita. Spelunky is an award winning, randomly generating, dungeon exploring game that can be hard but rarely unfair. details are light, but it's coming this summer and Mossmouth say the PS Vita version will make use of the systems capabilities.

Source: EU PlayStation Blog