Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Square Enix Have Released The Debut Trailer For Thief

Square Enix have released the debut trailer for Thief. currently in development for PC, PS4 and other next generation consoles, Thief has you playing as Garret in a world designed to let you choose your way to complete a task, a world where the rich prosper and the poor are ravaged with sickened and famine.

Press Release

Today, the shadows are lifting. Garrett, THE Master Thief is back with this announcement trailer for Eidos-Montreal's next title: THIEF, in development for PC, PlayStation 4 and other next-generation consoles.

There is a rising tide of fear in The City. Hatred saturates every stone and whilst the rich prosper, the less fortunate face misery and repression. Ravaged with sickness and famine, they wait for something to change.

Into this shadowy world steps Garrett the Master Thief in a first-person adventure featuring intelligent design that allows players to take full control, with freedom to choose how they approach and overcome each challenge and forge their own path through the game.

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