Sunday, January 15, 2012

What Did You Play This Week?

Yep this feature is returning. Its been more than a while since I last did one of these (it was called What Have You Played This Week). I didn't play many games this week but I got a few hours in.

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales – DS
This is the game i'm currently renting. I honestly can't remember why this, and the Wii version, are on my rent list, but its surprisingly good fun. It may sound like a kids game and honestly it is a pretty casual game. Its a bit hard to describe what happens. Its a Final Fantasy World of sorts, there are crystals, a Cid, and Chocobo's. The game revolves around magical books, you have to go into them and complete mini games. These games are simple but competitive and completing them gives you either a Chocobo card, a Battle Card, or a change to the world.

So far i'm around 9 hours in and enjoying it. There have been a couple of times when I have gotten stuck. Thankfully the game has a smart way to point you in the direction. If the characters conversation isn't enough, as a Chocobo you can eat stuff like apples and when you do you get a moment of inspiration which helps point you in the right direction whilst not taking you out of the game.

The game mixes up the gameplay from competitive mini-games to simple competitive card battles, with some exploring as well. As well as finding and completing books, there are cards to find throughout the game, either on the ground or by completing mini-games or by talking to characters. You can use these cards to create a deck to use in battles. There are 120 to find and i've got around 50 of them.

The game looks good considering how old it is. The beginning, when you start the game, is cute and fun, and the overall approach is simple, colourful, and fun. The music is staple Final Fantasy music with a simple, bouncy twist. The game looks like the Final Fantasy III and IV remakes on the DS. Most of the game is controlled by the touch panel, with the top screen mostly used to show the map.

I didn't expect too much from the game but I bought it for cheap. I have only played a couple of hours but i'm pretty disappointed. The graphics are the main issue on the PS3. There is pop in everywhere. When your not moving and looking in one direction the game looks really good, but as soon as you move graphic detail pops in. not only is it distracting its disappointing. I've heard a lot about how good the game looks but I'm not prepared to wait and put my game on hold. Another issue i've had so far is controls. I've played a few shooters before but its taken me a while to get used to the controls of this game. The aiming seems sluggish and off, which doesn’t help when the early enemies bounce all over the place. But again i'm only a few hours in.

Super Mario 3D Land – 3DS
I only just got this game, a long story, and you know what...its great. Its very pick up and go, the levels are short, varied, and well designed. The game looks great and makes good use of the 3D screen and tech. I've only completed the first world so far but already i'm happy in saying that this is a must own game for a 3DS Owner. Expect more impressions as I progress through the game.

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