Sony's EU Playstation Blog has detailed the comics coming out today on the Digital Comics Store. there is one free comic this week, Cancertown 1 with audio commentary from the writer Cy Dethan and artist Stephen Downey.
Free Comic
Cancertown #1 (with audio commentary!) Markosia
* Batman Beyond Vol.1 #1 DC Comics
* Bayou #11 DC Comics
* Cancertown #1-#6 (with audio commentary!) Markosia
* Domo #1 TOKYOPOP
* The Dreaming #10 TOKYOPOP
* Ex Machina #25 DC Comics
* Fables #40 DC Comics
* Flash: Rebirth #6 DC Comics
* Fringe: Tales from the Fringe #2 DC Comics
* Green Lantern Corps Vol.1 #4 DC Comics
* I Luv Halloween #9 TOKYOPOP
* The Indifference Engine #4 Markosia
* Irredeemable #9-15 BOOM! Studios
* Irredeemable Special #1 BOOM! Studios
* Kane & Lynch #4 DC Comics
* Legends of the Dark Crystal #3 TOKYOPOP
* The Night Owls #3 DC Comics
* Planetary #24 DC Comics
* Road #2 DC Comics
* Sandman #17 DC Comics
* Silent Hill: Past Life #2 IDW Publishing
* Star Trek: Khan: Ruling in Hell #3 IDW Publishing
* Star Trek: The Manga #9 TOKYOPOP
* Superman/Batman #44 DC Comics
* Supernatural: Origins #6 DC Comics
* Transformers #14 IDW
* Ultimate Fantastic Four (2003) #12-#16 Marvel
* Undertown #2 TOKYOPOP
* Wonder Woman Vol.3 #16 DC Comics
* X-Force (2008) #1-6 Marvel
* Y: The Last Man #23 DC Comics
Source: EU Playstation Blog
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