Sunday, November 27, 2022

Pokémon Violet - The Eighth Part - Getting to and Defeating the Wind Titan Bombirdier

In today's Pokémon Violet video, the task was simple. Get to the Titan. But because of how i play the game, it took a lot longer than i expected. 

Some of the extra time was because i thought i was being clever by trying to avoid the falling boulders, i thought that by going round the back it would be a shortcut to the top. Nope.

But fighting the Titan wasn't an issue. Even tho it was a Pokémon i hadn't seen before and knew nothing about, my leading Pokémon Wattrel was more than enough to deal with it.

There weren't too many other surprises along the way. I'd say the level 50 Jolteon was maybe the biggest. Thankfully i was able to run away from that battle. The other big surprise was finding a Tera Lokix. it was a Pokémon that i hadn't seen yet, tho i do have a Nymble and have been levelling it up, so to see it shining gold was a surprise.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Online Saturday: Pokémon Violet - 20 Online Tera Raid Battles!

Online Saturday is back!

it took around an hour and 10 minutes, but i went and did 20 online Tera Raid Battles. the online connection was mostly fine, but i did cut out 1 disconnect and 4 instances where a random online Tera Raid Battle couldn't be found.

It was a fun thing to do. i saw many Pokémon i hadn't seen as yet in the game and caught several i'm eager to try out.

*LOST VIDEO* Pokémon Violet - The Seventh Part - Exploring South Province Area 2 and Bug Badge

Yes, the title is true. The gameplay video for this part never saved and i lost it. So this video has my audio, but the video will be the start screen.

After discovering that i was under levelled in the previous video,, i changed my plans and headed to the west side of the map. This didn't go as planned. the pokemon here were lower levelled than i expected. it feels like this is the area you should do first, rather than heading east towards the grass gym.

i caught several Pokémon, including a female Combee as Vespiquen is one of my favourite Pokémon, and did a few raids. i encountered my first in game trade, a Flabebe for a Snom. but mostly this video was mostly me exploring this whole new area. as it was lower levelled, i moved around my squad and sent out many other pokemon to battle and level up.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Pokémon Violet - The Sixth Part - Where I Discover I'm Under Levelled

This is the part where my progress in the game came to a halt. I didn't see it coming, but in reality, i should've noticed it was happening. I was under levelled and had to change my plans.

The video starts with a Black Tauros sweeping my team! My luck doesn't get much better. i head to the Team Star Base nearby and barely beat the grunt outside! I try to level up around that area, but everything is just a bit too high ... so i end the video by changing my plans.

I'm not frustrated by this. i think Sword and Shield were easy Pokémon games and i've been treating this game the same way. So it having a somewhat higher than expected difficulty level is a nice surprise. it's also good that the game world and story are big enough so i can change my plans, so i can go and do something else. This set's up Part 7 as possibly something really quite interesting.

I do get a couple of Pokémon Evolutions, the most surprising being Clodsire. i suspect i got it because it levelled up in rain, but i haven't checked it out to see if i'm right. i also gave some raids a go and surprise trade.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pokémon Violet - The Fifth Part - Defeating the Titan Klawf and Beating The Grass Gym

No Backlog Conquering this week, but check out it's playlist at, maybe there’s a video you’ve not seen. 

At the end of the previous video,, we were ready to face the Titan Klawf. So, at the start of this video, we face off against it and start Arven's story arc.

At the end of the video, we get our first gym badge. but it wasn't as easy as defeating the Titan Klawf. i got lucky when my final Pokémon saved me!

In-between is full of me exploring the world, getting lost, "cheating" and not getting away with it, and of course catching new Pokémon. It's not the smoothest ride and there is a point where i get frustrated with the world design and mechanics, but overall I'm still enjoying myself and the story.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Puzzle & Dragons Tuesday - Nintendo Switch Edition - Valeria Cup! - Achievement Run

Welcome to Puzzle & Dragons Tuesday! Sit back and either watch me play through, with no commentary, the cup or leave it running in the background as BGM!

I play and earn all the achievements from the Valeria Cup! (11/20 4PM - 11/27 3:59PM (PST)) in Puzzle & Dragons: Nintendo Switch Edition whilst using a GamePad and my Nintendo Switch is Docked.

This was one of my worst weeks ever! The gimmick seemed simply enough but turned out to be difficult and a little luck based. All you had to do was make combos 5 or greater. but the competition i faced was fierce and there were some amazing high scores from them. i didn't win, i didn't even see the boss. i only got 1 second place, a couple of thirds, and many lower places.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Pokémon Violet - The Fourth Hour - The Road to Titan Klawf

Today, we set off into the East Province to find the Titan Klawf, it's part of Arven's story. The area is huge and there was soo much to see so this video became the longest yet. and by the end, we only found it, we didn't even interact with it!

I was surprised that Miradon couldn't climb or do any other type of riding other than just a bike. i guess that's something that'll unlock later. so there were some things i saw but couldn't get to. including a red glowing sword object thing in a rock?!

The area was much, much bigger than i expected. lot's of ups and downs and tunnels, too. i haven't full explored it either! it's size posed an interesting issue in that i needed to use health items and rotate my Pokémon squad. it's been a long time since i've had to be so careful. it's a nice change. Thankfully, catching a Paldean Wooper as early as i did has really paid off as it's been super useful. i highly recommend getting one as soon as you can for the early part of the game.

In this video we also had our first Tera Raid Battle, many trainer battles, we found lots of items and some TM's, and we caught a handful of new and interesting Pokémon...including the Fairy Tera Type Skiddo.