Friday, September 7, 2012

2K And Firaxis Have Released The XCOM: Enemy Unknown Gameplay Walkthrough They Showed At E3 And PAX

2k And Firaxis have released a new gameplay video for XCOM: Enemy Unknown. this is the same video that they showed at both E3 and PAX Prime. it features Firaxis Lead Designer Jake Solomon providing the narration of the gameplay breakthrough.

Capcom Have Released An Extended Gameplay Video For Remember Me

Capcom have released a new gameplay video for Remember Me. this video is an extended version of the video that was shown at GamesCom. this video appears to be from the PS3 version of the game and focuses on showing the character traversing the world, hacking doors, combat and escaping a helicopter attack.

Watch Remember Me - Gameplay Video in Tech & Gaming  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Ubisoft Have Released A New Island Survival Guide For Far Cry 3, Looks At Dangers, Drugs And More

Ubisoft have released a new Island Survival Guide for Far Cry 3. this video once more features Agent Huntley talking about drugs and other dangers you'll find on the island. the video also offers some gameplay tips on how to use outposts.

Ubisoft Announce The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot, A Free To Play PC Game Coming 2013

Ubisoft have revealed a new free to play PC game. coming 2013, The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot is set in a medieval fantasy world where wealth, status and show-boating are king. the game is played in two steps, firstly you have to prepare your castle to protect the treasure inside. the next step is preparing to take over castles. the game is free to play, but there are opportunities to purchase in-game items to speed up your characters progress or to customise them.

Press Release

Bethesda Have Released The First Behind The Scenes Look At Dishonored, Looks At The Games Inception

Bethesda have released the first behind the scenes look at Dishonored. this video focuses on the games inception, with members talking about developing the world.

Source: Bethesda Blog

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Team 17 Have Released A New "Public Information Film" For Worms Revolution

Team 17 have released a new video for Worms Revolution. this video shows in-game action and new weapons like water.

Egg Ball Games And Bulkypix Reveal Jazz: Trump's Journey For The PS Vita

Egg Ball Games And Bulkypix have announced Jazz: Trump's Journey is set to come to the PS Vita. this game is Jazz themed and you play as Trump and play through his memories as he sets out to form a Jazz group. the game is set in early 20th Century New Orleans. there is more to the game than just Jazz, it's a platformer that takes inspiration from Jazz and performers like Louis Armstrong. they hope that Jazz: Trump's Journey will come out this year.

Screenshots And Character Art

Source: EU Playstation Blog