I've made a commitment to play more games next week as the amount of time i've had for gaming recently has been pretty poor. expect to see a lengthy list of games next week!
Naruto: Broken Bonds – Xbox 360 – I've completed the game now and got several of the achievements, over 700 points!. The fact its taken me over a month to complete the game is nothing against the game at all, its my fault. The game itself does look old and feels somewhat average now. It controls well and it doesn’t take long to adjust to the controls if you played the first game like I did. The story is somewhat weak due to the filler stories added to the game and not the Naruto story lines. What's surprising is the amount of people still playing the game online. The online works very well and whilst it maybe simple it certainly is affective. It is hard to recommend this game if you've played Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 as it dosne't compare well, but if your doing what I did and watching Naruto from the beginning and playing the Naruto games then it should be a fine game to play
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 – PS3 – I reviewed this game and put over 24 hours into the review. I thought it was time to come back and play it again and i'm glad I did. The game still looks great and controls perfectly. As I have most of the single player trophies I played some of the online. The main problem with online, which wasn't apparent when reviewing the game, is the lag and stuttering. Game with good connection tend to play flawlessly, but those games with a less than perfect connection can be somewhat laggy. It is a shame as this game works best when running smooth. Its a bit hit and miss but don't let that be a reason for not trying the game or the online.
Naruto: Broken Bonds – Xbox 360 – I've completed the game now and got several of the achievements, over 700 points!. The fact its taken me over a month to complete the game is nothing against the game at all, its my fault. The game itself does look old and feels somewhat average now. It controls well and it doesn’t take long to adjust to the controls if you played the first game like I did. The story is somewhat weak due to the filler stories added to the game and not the Naruto story lines. What's surprising is the amount of people still playing the game online. The online works very well and whilst it maybe simple it certainly is affective. It is hard to recommend this game if you've played Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 as it dosne't compare well, but if your doing what I did and watching Naruto from the beginning and playing the Naruto games then it should be a fine game to play
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 – PS3 – I reviewed this game and put over 24 hours into the review. I thought it was time to come back and play it again and i'm glad I did. The game still looks great and controls perfectly. As I have most of the single player trophies I played some of the online. The main problem with online, which wasn't apparent when reviewing the game, is the lag and stuttering. Game with good connection tend to play flawlessly, but those games with a less than perfect connection can be somewhat laggy. It is a shame as this game works best when running smooth. Its a bit hit and miss but don't let that be a reason for not trying the game or the online.
Did you manage to play more games than I have over the week, or do you have any comments on my experiences or questions about the games i've played? If you do, feel free to add them in the comments section.