Friday, November 16, 2012

Ubisoft Have Released A New Trailer For Far Cry 3 Showing The Lost Expeditions Edition

Ubisoft have released a new trailer for Far Cry 3. this trailer is for the Lost Expeditions Edition of the game, which is available for pre-order, and shows some in-game action from the two exclusive missions set in World War II ruins. in all, those two extra missions bring an additional 40 minutes of gameplay.

EA Have Released A New FIFA 13 Trailer Showing Wii U Action

EA have released a new FIFA 13 trailer showing the game on the Wii U. the trailer shows how you can use the GamePad to manage your team, shoot, tackle and manage online multiplayer.

Ubisoft Have Released A Launch Trailer For Rabbids Land On The Wii U

Ubisoft have released a launch trailer for their Wii U game Rabbids Land. this trailer shows in-game action from a few of the games and how the GamePad and WiiMote's control.

Atlus Have Released 25 New Videos For Persona 4 Golden On The PS Vita

Atlus have released 25 new videos for Persona 4 Golden on the PS Vita. these videos use in-game examples to highlight different aspects of the game. they show things from school life, the Persona's, Social Links, Battling and Extra features like difficulty settings.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

SuperBot Entertainment Announce Kat And Emmett Are Coming To Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale As Free DLC

SuperBot Entertainment have announced free DLC characters for Playstation All Stars Battle Royale. work on them is still early, which means they are not coming until early next year, but SuperBot have revealed some details. both will be free to download for only two weeks.

Emmett Graves from Starhawk will have his weapons from Starhawk but he will also be able to call for help from the sky, using the Build and Battle system from Starhawk. Kat is from Gravity Rush and has her gravity powers. she can use aerial attacks and move around the stadiums.

Source: USA Playstation Blog

Sixense Studios Have Released A New Gameplay Trailer For The Portal 2 In Motion DLC, Tease Future Projects

Sixense Studios have released a gameplay trailer for Portal 2. this video shows their Portal 2 DLC In Motion in action. the trailer shows how the DLC is designed for just the Move controller, how your able to move portals and items in the world with the accuracy the Move offers.

Sixense Studios have also teased that they are working on other projects which could see Move DLC coming to other games.

Source: EU Playstation Blog

Capcom Announce A Demo For DmC: Devil May Cry Comes To PS3 And Xbox 360 From 20th November

Capcom have announced a demo for DmC: Devil May Cry will hit the PS3 and Xbox 360 from 20th November. the demo hits the USA first and then comes to europe on 21st November. the demo will contain two missions, one of which is a boss battle, weapons and upgrades. Capcom tease the demo will have some secrets as well.

Source: Capcom Unity