Saturday, March 23, 2013

Square Enix Have Released New Screenshots And Concept Art For Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Square Enix have released new screenshots and concept art for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. these are from Luxerion and The Dead Dunes locations in the game. Luxerion is from early in the game where Lightning begins her adventure. it's full of European architecture, shops, and people to interact with.


Concept Art

Additional Info: Square Enix Blog

Friday, March 22, 2013

Activision Have Released A Launch Trailer For The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Activision have released a launch trailer for The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct.

Rising Star Games Have Released Part 1 Of The Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut Trailer

Rising Star Games have released part 1 of the trailer for their PS3 game Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut. this video shows in-game cutscenes and focuses on how this is a cult game and some of the enhancements for it's PS3 release.

Nintendo Announce Fire Emblem: Awakening Comes To The EU On 19th April, Demo On 28th March

Nintendo have announced Fire Emblem: Awakening is coming to the EU on 19th April. the game will be out at retail and on the 3DS eShop. also coming out on the 19th is the Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS Bundle, which includes a Blue 3DS with Fire Emblem: Awakening art and Fire Emblem: Awakening installed. a demo for Fire Emblem: Awakening is set to come to the eShop on 28th March.


Press Release

Square Enix Announce Final Fantasy X And Final Fantasy X2 HD Remasters For PS3 And PS Vita

Square Enix have announced on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita they will be bringing HD Remasters of both Final Fantasy X And Final Fantasy X2. on PS3 both will come out on the same disc whilst on PS Vita they will be available separately. no new details about these remasters have been announced, but they are coming this year and there will be a new trailer for them on Monday.

Final Fantasy X HD Remaster Screenshots

Press Release

Capcom Have Released A New Mystic Knight Gameplay Video For Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Capcom have released a new gameplay video for Dragon's Dogma DLC Dark Arisen. this video shows action from the Mystic Knight character.

Two Tribes Announce Toki Tori 2 Comes To The Wii U On 4th April With A New Trailer

Two Tribes Games have announced their upcoming Wii U eShop game Toki Tori 2 is coming out on 4th April. they have also released a new trailer showing in-game action.