We continue Part 7 at The Lab. In Part 6, https://youtu.be/afEhpxT5Eag, we had ended it at The Lab leaving Part 7 for us to explore it, and we do for most of this Part.
What i'm excited for when playing Tearaway: Unfolded is that in each part we're introduced into some new mechanics. It's very interesting to see what they will come up with next. what's equally as impressive is how well it works with the game. and in Part 7, it doesn't disappoint.
But instead of a new ability, we get a weapon! it really shakes up the game. we loose the ability to control the wind, but we gain a weapon that's amazing for battling the Scraps and for solving the puzzles. whilst we have it, it's a lot of fun. But by the end of this part, we seemingly loose it!
This Part ends with us falling into caves that look fantastic and i'm excited to explore in the next part.