Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Puzzle & Dragons Tuesday - Nintendo Switch Edition - Academy Cup 1 - Achievement Run

Welcome to Puzzle & Dragons Tuesday! Sit back and either watch me play through, with no commentary, the cup or leave it running in the background as BGM!

I play and earn all the achievements from The Academy Cup 1! (2023/4/3 9:00~2023/4/10 8:59 JST) in Puzzle & Dragons: Nintendo Switch Edition whilst using a GamePad and a docked Nintendo Switch.

This week wasn't too bad, but it wasn't great. i managed to get a couple of wins but i never managed to beat the boss. i feel like i didn't fully understand the gimmick as once or twice i seemed to get stuck and not get that far. Some of the other players i played against also seemed to be in the same situation whilst others seemed to excel. If you can see what i did wrong, please let me know.

This week i played against:
イツや - Lvl 49
まるまん - Lvl 64
マサヒコ - Lvl 61
ヨッシー Lvl 71
II - Lvl 64
MITSURU - Lvl 67
ユルティム - Lvl 70