Tearaway: Unfolded put me back a little further away than i expected after part 2, https://youtu.be/SHFIJexGFVA, and i'm not sure if that's because i misjudged where the auto save was or what. it didn't take long to get back and ahead of the last video, but it was weird.
The video is titled Learning To Roll because, like last video, it changes the gameplay in fun ways. not only is it a way to get from A to B, the game also uses it to introduce small holes we can enter, either as secrets or as ways to continue making progress. but where it seemed to work best was with the enemies. there's a new one that has legs that can kick you away like a football but all we need to do is roll to it's back and then attack. the other enemies are also more easily dealt with as they are now easily stunned when hit so we can pick them up and throw them to defeat them.