Thursday, May 10, 2012
Activision Have Released The Debut Trailer And New Screenshots For Men In Black: Alien Crisis
Activision have released the debut trailer and new screenshots for Men In Black: Alien Crisis. the trailer introduces us to the character yo...
Activision Reveal USA Pre-Order Bonuses For The Amazing Spider-Man Videogame, Play As Stan Lee Or The Rhino
Activision have detailed 2 USA pre-order bonuses for their upcoming The Amazing Spider-Man game. both pre-order bonuses are for the PS3 and ...
Bethesda Announce Dishonored Comes To The USA On 9th October, EU 12th Ocotber, And Reveal Its Boxart
Bethesda have announced Dishonored is set to come out across the USA on 9th October, Australia on 11th October, and across the EU on 12th Oc...
Ubisoft Have Released The Debut Gameplay Trailer For Assassin's Creed 3
Ubisoft have released the debut gameplay trailer for Assassin's Creed III. this trailer shows combat, sneaking around, Wildlife, and tra...
EA And Insomniac Announce Outernauts For Facebook, Coming This Summer
Insomniac and EA have announced Outernauts for Facebook. Coming this summer, Outernautsis a adventure role playing game where you play as a ...
Temco Koei Announce They Are Bringing Project Zero II To The Wii As Project Zero 2: Wii Edition, Has New Wii Controls And More
Temco Koei have announced they are bringing Project Zero II: Crimson Butterfly to the Wii as Project Zero 2: Wii Edition. This re-release...
Feral Interactive Announce They Are Bringing Tomb Raider: Underworld To Mac's On 31st May
Feral Interactive have announced they are bringing Tomb Raider: Underworld to Mac's on 31st May. Tomb Raider: Underworld will retail ...
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