Monday, February 20, 2012
Sega Have Revealed The Boxart For London 2012 Olympics And Released A Trailer Showing The Velodrome
Sega have released a new trailer and boxart for London 2012 Olympics. the trailer shows off the Velodrome, there's no action taking plac...
EA Have Released A New SSX Trailer Offering Tips And Tricks For The Upcoming Demo
EA have released a new trailer for SSX. this trailer offers some tips and tricks for the SSX Demo, which is set to come out from tomorrow. t...
Temco Koei Have Released A Launch Trailer For Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus On The PS Vita
Temco Koei have released a launch trailer for Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus on the Playstation Vita. this trailer uses lots of in-game action to s...
EA And BioWare Have Released A New Mass Effect 3 Trailer Titled Take Back Earth
EA and BioWare have released a new trailer for Mass Effect 3. this trailer is called Take Back Earth and shows cinematics of battles taking ...
Nintendo Have Released A New Trailer For Kid Icarus Uprising Revealing The Sacred Treasures
Nintendo have released a new trailer for Kid Icarus Uprising. this trailer reveals the Sacred Treasures from the original Kid Icarus game ar...
Sony Confirm There Are Currently No Plans To Bring The 32GB PS Vita Memory Card To The EU
Sony have confirmed to me that there are still no plans to bring the 32GB PS Vita memory card to Europe. Gamers who want the 32GB can stil...
Sony Have Released A New Inside PS Vita Video That Focuses On The Power Of The Vita And Uncharted Golden Abyss
Sony have released a new Inside PS Vita video. this video focuses on the power and performance of the Vita, with Uncharted Golden Abyss bein...
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