Monday, March 14, 2011
Konami Have Released A New Trailer For Battle LA: The Videogame
Konami have released a new trailer Battle LA. this downloadable title is a movie tie-in with Battle LA. the trailer shows in-game action and...
Bethesda Announce Prey 2 Is Coming In 2012 For The Playstation 3, Xbox 360, And PC
Bethesda have announced Prey 2 is coming out in 2012 on the PS3, Xbox 360, and on PC. The game is in development at Human Head Studios and ...
EA Have Released A New Trailer For Crysis 2 Titled "Be Fast"
EA and Crytek have released a new trailer for Crysis 2. this trailer is titled "Be Fast" and shows in-game footage of your charact...
EA And Vanguard Games Have Released A Gameplay Trailer For Gatling Gears
EA And Vanguard Games have released a new trailer for Gatling Gears, an upcoming downloadable game for the PSN and XBLA. the trailer uses in...
BioWare Have Released A Gameplay Trailer For Star Wars: The Old Republic
EA and BioWare have released a new trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. This is a gameplay trailer that reveals the back story for the M...
This Weeks WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
Nintendo USA have detailed the games coming out today on the WiiWare and DSiWare stores. there are no Virtual Console games released this we...
Harmonix Detail Upcoming Dance Central DLC Coming On 15th March
Harmonix have detailed the upcoming DLC for Dance Central. on 15th March the following tracks will be available to buy for 240 MS Points: F...
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