Friday, October 22, 2010
Microsoft Announjce The Fable III: Kingmaker Has Over 60,000 Players Taking Part
Microsoft have announced that the Fable III: Kingmaker app now has over 60,000 people taking part. Fable III: Kingmaker is a Geo-Location ba...
Atomic Games Announce Breach For The Xbox 360 And PC And Detail Hardcore Mode
Atomic Games have announced Breach, an upcoming FPS coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PC for less than £20. Atomic games have revealed that bec...
Rising Star Games Have Released A New Trailer And Boxart For Ivy The kiwi
Rising Star Games have revealed the boxart and released a new trailer for Ivy The Kiwi on the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS. The trailer sho...
Sega Have Released A New Trailer For Chu Chu Rocket On The iPhone
Sega have released a new trailer for the iPhone version of Chu Chu Rocket. this trailer shows in-game footage of the single player and multi...
EA Have Released A New Trailer For NBA Jam On The PS3 And Xbox 360
EA Have released a new trailer for NBA Jam on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. this trailer shows in-game action, showing the games main feat...
This Weeks UK WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
Nintendo UK have revealed the games coming out on the WiiWare, DSiWare, and Virtual Console stores. in all there are 6 games coming out, 1 o...
Big Sandwich Games Announce Hoard Comes Out On 2nd November For $14.99
Big Sandwich Games have announced that their upcoming PS3 PSN game, Hoard, is coming out in the USA on 2nd November for 14.99. Hoard is a du...
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