Friday, July 30, 2010
This Weeks UK WiiWare, DSiWare, And Virtual Console Releases
Nintendo UK has revealed the games coming out today on the WiiWare and DSiWare stores. there are no virtual console releases this week, but ...
Destineer Announce They Are Bringing Dragon's Lair Trilogy To The Nintendo Wii
Destineer have announced that, in partnership with Digital Leisure inc., they are developing Dragon's Lair Trilogy for the Nintendo Wii...
Capcom Have Released New Screenshots For Street Figher IV 3D Version On The 3DS
Capcom have released new screenshots for the Nintendo 3DS version of Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter IV 3D Version. these in-game screensh...
Endgame Studios And N3V Games Release A New Trailer For Fractured Soul On The Nintendo DS
Endgame Studios And N3V Games have released a new trailer for Fractured Soul, a Nintendo DS game they are working on. presently, Fractured S...
A New Trailer For Pokémon Black and Pokémon White Has Been Released
A New trailer for Pokémon Black and Pokémon White has been released. this Japanese trailer shows many more parts of the game as well as reve...
Activision Announce Tiesto is A DJ In DJ Hero 2
Activision have announced that Tiesto is in DJ Hero 2. Activision have also released a new video for DJ Hero 2, its an interview with Tiesto...
Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast For Thursday 29th July
This is all the news from Thursday 29th July. You can subscribe to the Hit X: The News Recapping Podcast on ...
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