Sunday, January 24, 2010
QTE Tweets Of The Week
The Following are the top 10 most clicked QTE Gamers tweets of the week. there were some issues with the Owly service so this may not be a a...
What Have You Played This Week?
Not too much played this week. There generally was a lot of news to deal with meaning I only played a little here and there. Football M...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Nintendo Have Released New Screenshots For Glory Of Heracles
Nintendo have released new screenshots for their upcoming Nintendo DS game, Glory Of Heracles. These screenshots are in-game and mostly show...
EA Have Released Chapter 2 Of A Animated Short Movie For RISK Factions
EA Have released Chapter 2 of the short animated movie for RISK Factions. this is titles A Bridge Too Fur and shows why Chairman Meow starts...
Square Enix Europe Have Released Screenshots, Concept Artwork, And A New Trailer For Nier
Square Enix Europe have released a new trailer, screenshots and concept art for Nier. The game is coming out on both the 360 and PS3, but th...
Square Enix Europe Have Released A New Trailer For Death By Cube
Square Enix Europe have released a new trailer for their XBLA game, Death By Cube. the trailer is all in-game action and shows various aspec...
Sega Have Released New Screenshots For Napoleon Total War
Sega Have Released new screenshots for the upcoming PC game, Napoleon Total war. the screenshots appear to be a mix of In-game action and in...
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