Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ludia And CBS Announce They Are Making A Game Based On Hollywood Squares
› Ludia Inc and CBS Consumer Products have annoucned they are working on a videogame based on Hollywood Squa...
Namco Bandai Announce Its American Winter Games Lineup
Namco Bandai have revealed their American winter line-up. Dragon Ball Raging Blast is coming to the Xbox 360 and Playstation for $59.99. Kat...
EA Announces The Playstation 3 Exclusive Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Beta Will Start November 19th
EA and Dice have announced that there will be a Multiplayer Beta for Battlefield Bad Company 2 and it will be exclusively on the Playstation...
UK PSN Update 5/11/09
Special Offers Siren Blood Curse [£14.99] Siren Blood Curse – Chapters 1-3 [£4.79] Siren Blood Curse – Chapters 4-6 [£4.79] Siren Blood Curs...
EA Announces Spore Islands For Facebook
EA Has announced that Spore Islands is now available to be played via Facebook. Spore Islands is a 2D game that focuses on Player-to-Player ...
EA And Bioware Announce The Mass Effect 2 Collectors’ Edition
EA And Bioware have announced that there will be a Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition. it will be available to buy when Mass Effect 2 is relea...
Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest)
Here is today's Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays news. Don't forget,you can subscribe to the Audio Re-Cap Podcast on iTunes. if you do, it...
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