Sunday, July 14, 2024

Switch Funday - Splatoon 3 - July's Weekend Splatfest Tricolor - 15 Battles 6 Wins!

Welcome to Switch Funday.
It's day two of July's Splatfest weekend so today's video focuses on the Tricolor game mode in Splatoon 3. 

For the second Splatfest in a row all 15 games i played were with the other two teams. i chose teambeach and came into today with only 5 wins yesterday, yesterday we only played against teamthemepark but thankfully today we also played with teampalace.

For yesterday, i chose to use 3 different brellas weapons. today i had a similar idea and only used brush weapons. i started with the Painbrush, then went with the Inkbrush Nouveau, and finished with the regular Inkbrush. It's a type of weapon i've not really used much and only had 3 of that type to chose from so it was an interesting time using them.