*Apologies for all the noise in the background. it's been a very windy and rainy day here in Japan. i did try waiting a few hours before recording, but the weather never improved so i had to start. Even now, around 4 hours later, it's still rough outside. The noise is from my audio, so over on Ko-Fi from tomorrow there'll be a version that's just game audio.
Hello and welcome to Stories on Tuesday. we have a new game and it's When the Past Was Around. I'm playing this on PS4.
I'm not a big fan of point and click adventure games so once i saw the pointer appear on the screen i was a little concerned. i often find the game logic is different to my own logic and it can be frustrating trying to work out what the game wants me to do, when all i want is story.
Thankfully in this part, there was only once where i was truly stuck but there were a couple of times i needed to think about things. I think we're about half way through the story so maybe next week's part 2 is all i need to finish the game.
So far, the story telling has been done with no audio commentary from anyone in the game. it's been told via pictures, sometimes moving, on the screen. i don't mind this approach too much, but it does mean how i interpret the story and what the game's story actually is could be different. I'm hoping that by the end of the game i'll get a complete picture. but at the moment, i don't think i'm quite grasping the story they're trying to tell.