Its that time of year again to clock off. i had thought about stopping at the beginning of the week, but the news just kept on coming, lol. things have quietened down now so i'm going to take the opportunity to have a holiday break. i aim to be back in the new year, but if there is any big news released before then i'll try to cover it.
Over the break i will be looking at improving the site, bring back more options that the original layout had. i'll also look into restarting the podcast again. i'm sorry that it abruptly stopped but with work and the site i had to give up some part to make sure things worked fine. the podcast took around an hour to do each day, an hour which i now use to get as much news ready for the site.
So until i return, i hope you all take care and enjoy yourselves. i'm not going to presume that you all celebrate Christmas, so instead i wish you all a happy late December, lol, and an even better 2012. Untill then Goodbye