QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/175UYL .
PS3: Musician, Ochre, has announced that his track "Infotain Me" will be in Little Big Planet 2 http://ow.ly/1zFuM
PSP: Sony has announced they are releasing Playstation Minis-esque on the Japan PSN http://ow.ly/1zFxS
PC: Starcraft 2 has been rated Adults Only in South Korea http://ow.ly/1zFyl
DSiXL: NPD figures reveal that only 141K DSi XLs were sold in the USA in March http://ow.ly/1zFzj
Square Enix reveal they are excited about Motion Controls, they have faith in Natal and Move. http://ow.ly/1zG6j
Wii Wright has reportedly signed an agreement with the Science Channel to produce programming http://ow.ly/1zG7o
QTE Blog: Audio Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://ow.ly/175XVT
PSP: Prinny 2 Dawn of the Great Pantsu War DLC in Japan has been released costing just 10 yen (5-10p) http://ow.ly/1zG8f
iPad: its reported that the iPad had 0.03% of all web traffic during its first week on sale. (iPhone has 0.51%) http://ow.ly/1zHnc
Wii: Its reported that Just Dance has sold 1 Million units in the USA from November to March http://ow.ly/1zHok
Digital Foundry have new indepth analysis/comparison of Final Fantasy XIII, confirms PS3 version is superior http://ow.ly/1zHso
Sqaure Enix have teased on twitter that they are working on an unannounced game, people will be shocked and stocked http://ow.ly/1zHE0
PS3: the latest OPM UK Podcast teases that a open world game with user generated content is coming to this year http://ow.ly/1zHFy
Wii: Resident Evil Spin off, with exploration/on rails shooting/3rd person shooting, rumoured to have be shown last week http://ow.ly/1zHIu
QTE Blog: What Have You Played This Week? http://ow.ly/176shC
QTE Blog: QTE Tweets Of The Week http://ow.ly/176vNn
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