DSi: Pokemon Gold/Silver remakes are set for a September 12th release in japan. http://tinyurl.com/ny77n9
DSi: Dragon Quest IX only allows one save file at a time. http://tinyurl.com/lpf3y5
PS3: Temco will release a demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma II on the PSN in September. http://tinyurl.com/n9ezv7
QTE Blog: Re-Cap of Yesterdays News (oldest to newest) http://tinyurl.com/kmvueh
Japan Hardware charts. DSi 40.464, PSP 27.884, Wii 19.386, PS3 10.359, Xbox 360 6.734, DS 5.531, PS2 3.770. http://tinyurl.com/mq9en8
Capcom is hinting at a new Onimusha game. the site has 1560 and brush stroke. original game was set in 1560. http://tinyurl.com/nsu3wz
Sqaure Enix have a teaser site online. could be Romancing Saga 4. timer ends in 229 hours. has number 4 on site. http://tinyurl.com/m9bygb
The rumored new Onimusha game is not a Onimusha, instead1560 relates to the new game Sengoku Basara. http://tinyurl.com/kug4gg
PS3: Firmware 3.0 rumors. hit pre Christmas, reputation system, grief reporting,background patch download + more http://tinyurl.com/mm5tl3
Temco Koei Europe Europe has been formed (TKE). aim to develop existing franchises, offer new library of games. http://tinyurl.com/moofgy
THQ have announced that they are working on their own controller based game. will give them competitive edge. http://tinyurl.com/n9oep7
PS3: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 will be less gory than the 360 version. trend is for violent games, going to buck that trend. http://tinyurl.c ...
360: 1 Vs 100 will be free to XBL Silver members for this weekend only. http://tinyurl.com/lwod93
PS3: Home set to be "an essential component for all PS3 games", e.g game launching. Sony in it for the long term http://tinyurl.com/ntm43l
A trademark has been found for lord of The Rings, War In The North. registered to those who made Aragons Quest. http://tinyurl.com/l45dj8
PSP: Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! What Did I Do To Deserve This? is coming to Europe. no price or date yet. http://tinyurl.com/n2wrqo
PSP: Mana Khemia Student Alliance is going to the PSN Store in Hong Kong. should come to other regions. http://tinyurl.com/lmo97j
PS3: Sony responds to firmware 3.0 rumors. "wild speculation" "nothing has been announced or confirmed" http://tinyurl.com/mnj49p
360: some profiles are showing a beta. achievement picture only shows 09 and greek letter for beta, in 360 style. http://tinyurl.com/mh6dgc
DSi: Korg DS-10 Plus announced. has real time editing, expanded song mode, DSi has expanded features, out 17-9-09 http://tinyurl.com/owgmow
Warner Bros. was the sole bidder for Midway. their offer of $33 Million looks like to be the winner http://tinyurl.com/pdy4zp
Obsidian have officially stopped working on Aliens RPG. there was no mention if the game has been canceled. http://tinyurl.com/q6uo9n